17 Jobs Artificial Intelligence Won’t Take Over Yet

Artificial intelligence has become one of the world’s most exciting areas of technology, but many are worried that it may take over countless jobs, leaving millions of people out of work. Fortunately, some jobs will remain untouched by AI for the foreseeable future. 

AI on the Horizon

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Robert Way

With the ever-expanding scope of ChatGPT and other AI software, artificial intelligence has become a massive talking point in many industries. And many people fear that their jobs may be at risk of automation. But how true is this?

Some Jobs Are Safe

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

While many industries are likely to be affected by rapidly improving AI software, and some jobs will become entirely obsolete, there are still many careers that will require the human touch for the foreseeable future. Here are 17 jobs that won’t be replaced by AI or robots any time soon. 

Professional Athlete

Image Credit: Shutterstock / PeopleImages.com – Yuri A

While there has been some talk about the possibility of using AI to supplement professional coaching, the athletes themselves have nothing to fear. Currently, no form of AI is advanced enough to replace the physicality and hand-eye coordination of the human body in professional sports.

Stonemasons and Brickmasons

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Breedfoto

Many trade jobs are likely to survive the AI boom, including stonemasons and brickmasons. The technical skill, knowledge, and dexterity for building with brick and stone are still far outside the purview of AI automation. 

Painters and Plasterers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dmitry Kalinovsky

According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, painters and plasterers (as well as the sister trades of paperhangers and stucco masons) cannot currently be replaced by AI automation.

Agricultural Equipment Operators

Image Credit: Shutterstock / byvalet

The agriculture industry is believed to be one of the least likely to be affected by AI, in particular, equipment operators. These are the people who operate tractors, threshers, balers, and other heavy-duty equipment used in farming, and this industry is even expected to grow by 30% in the coming decades. 


Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pressmaster

Cooks and chefs are part of a vital industry, responsible for carrying out the primary duties that restaurants, cafes, and commercial kitchens are built for. Currently, AI is still not able to prepare and cook food safely on a mass scale.

Hospitality Staff

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It’s not just the cooks who are safe from automation – as of yet, hospitality staff such as servers, dishwashers, and bartenders are still needed to run restaurants and other venues smoothly.


Image Credit: Shutterstock / PeopleImages.com – Yuri A

That’s right, doctors don’t need to tear up their medical school certificates just yet – their extensive knowledge of and skill in treating a variety of medical conditions will still be sorely needed for the foreseeable future.


Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture

Nurses are another vital healthcare professional who isn’t yet in danger of replacement. Not only do nurses have invaluable knowledge of hospital operations and medical treatment, but they also need to engage with people and build connections in ways that no AI system can yet achieve.

Investigative Journalists

Image Credit: Shutterstock / BAZA Production

In a similar vein to nurses, investigative journalists are unlikely to be replaced by AI due to their ability to understand other humans on a deeper level. They need to be able to put people at ease and extract important information through conversation, skills that are still out of AI’s reach.

Plumbers and Electricians

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kunakorn Rassadornyindee

We’ve already discussed the fact that tradespeople will be some of the least likely to be affected by AI automation. But AI expert and author Martin Ford believes that plumbers and electricians are two of the “safest” professions, as they still require a high level of “dexterity, hand-eye coordination and flexibility.” 

Cleaning Attendants

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Small365

Sure, self-operating vacuums like the Roomba might exist, but technology is still not advanced enough to automate cleaning work. We still need human dexterity to clean those hard-to-reach corners and dust the top shelves!

Mental Health Counselors 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / LightField Studios

With a growing need for mental health resources and professionals in countries around the world, counselors and therapists aren’t going anywhere. AI may be used to help with diagnoses and therapy development, but it can’t replace the knowledge and empathy of a trained human professional. 

Physical Therapists

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture

While virtual physical therapy programs and diagnostics for at-home sessions are already a reality in some places, AI cannot yet simulate the specialized care and attention that physical therapists provide for their patients. 

Social Workers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Social work is a vital form of community care and requires the kind of judgment and human intuition that artificial intelligence has yet to achieve. Like many industries on this list, AI technology may aid social workers but it is unlikely to replace them.


Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

Children are our future, and we are not yet ready to entrust screens and robots with 100% of their education. While AI will be used to assist them, teachers in elementary, secondary, and tertiary/vocational education will still be working for decades to come. 

AI and Machine-Learning Specialists

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

Since AI isn’t about to go anywhere, careers that involve studying, developing, and implementing AI are going to be highly sought after for the foreseeable future. Major companies and even government agencies are already seeking AI and machine-learning specialists 

Looking Ahead 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

If the ability of AI is growing exponentially, then there is no guarantee that these careers will be untouched by this technology forever. But in the meantime, people in these industries have little to fear from artificial intelligence.

The post 17 Jobs Artificial Intelligence Won’t Take Over Yet first appeared on Career Step Up.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Deemerwha studio.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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